Does cannabis aid in sleep? What if you’re the type who gets anxiety from using cannabis? What then?

Just what IS the skinny on cannabis for sleep?!

There are no definitive answers. In fact, researchers are still trying to figure out why THC has a mellowing effect for some, while ramping up nervousness in others.

But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that points to its effectiveness in battling insomnia for a significant number of people.

If you’re one of those lucky folks, there are some things you should know about the complicated relationship between cannabis and precious sleep.

The Skinny on Cannabis for Sleep

Whether you’ve recently starting using cannabis for sleep, or you’ve been at it for a while, it may interest you to know the following:

  1. Indica Vs. Sativa

For a long time, popular opinion dictated that sativa got you jazzed, while indica delivered a serious chill factor. It’s not quite that clearcut.

Yeah, pure indica strains are more likely to put you “in da couch” than their sativa counterparts. But there are additional complexities such as the terpene profile.

You should also be aware of whether the THC and CBD levels are high or low. Speaking of which…

  1. CBD and THC Have Different Effects on Sleep

Up until now, the vast majority of studies on sleep and cannabis have examined high-THC cannabis. And as we mentioned above, if THC kicks up your anxiety, it’s probably not going to be ideal for sleeping.

Meanwhile, the research on CBD and sleep has been scarce. In one small study of 72 adults with anxiety and poor sleep, two-thirds of them reported that one month’s use of CBD helped them sleep. One-fourth of them, however, said their conditions worsened.

  1. Say Goodbye to Vivid Dreams

If you love your dream world, then you should know that cannabis inhibits REM sleep and dreaming. And the less time you spend in REM, the fewer dreams you’ll have.

On the flip side, if you stop using cannabis, there’s a good chance you’ll experience a rebound in REM sleep and your dreams will be even more vivid.

  1. Natural Sleep Remedies Can Boost Cannabis Efficacy

If you switched out your valerian root, melatonin or chamomile tea for cannabis, you may want to bring them back into the fold.

Research shows that natural sleep enhancers such as lavender and hops have many of the same terpenes that are found in cannabis – but in a higher concentration.

Pairing them up with cannabis can greatly enhance your ability to sleep.

  1. Inhale or Ingest?

For those looking to fall asleep faster, inhalation is the way to go. Cannabis-infused edibles, on the other hand, take longer to kick in but the effects can last longer and help those who have trouble staying asleep.

  1. Nighttime Use Could Create Cannabis Hangover

No, it’s not like an alcohol hangover. But you may feel a little dehydrated, lethargic or even congested if you regularly use cannabis for sleep. Then again, you may not.

Much like not drinking cheap wine, if you choose a high quality cannabis from a respected dispensary, you’ll decrease the risk of hangover.

  1. May Not Be Good for Those under 15

Again, there’s minimal research on this. But what that minimal research shows is the potential for young adults using cannabis to help them sleep may develop sleeping problems into adulthood.

Then again, whether these young adults were already prone to insomnia is impossible to say. More studies are required. In the meantime, it’s still best practice for young adults to use cannabis with great discretion.

Will Cannabis Help You Sleep?

Now that you know the skinny on cannabis for sleep, only you can determine if it’s something that will (or will continue to) work for you.

But for now, it’s looking pretty promising for a lot of folks.

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