The immortal Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

The same can be said for marketing trends in the cannabis industry. As such, cannabis marketing specialists can’t just barrel ahead using the same old methods.

They need to pause occasionally to see what’s coming down the pipe next. Those who do so will recognize the importance of incorporating the following cannabis marketing strategies for 2024:

  1. More Real-World Engagement

Focusing on the digital world is important – as we’ll cover shortly. But 2024 will likely see more cannabis brands trying to engage with audiences on the real-world level.

Experienced cannabis marketers will do well to take advantage of opportunities often associated with B2B advertising. These include interviews, conferences, and panels – real-world engagement forums where people can talk about their brand without the regulations and restrictions involved with digital and even traditional advertising.

Brands will probably invest more time and money in 2024 in educating budtenders and other employees on their products. This is another great example of engaging on the real-world level to boost customer interaction and increase the likelihood that they’ll return.

  1. Focus On Targeted Brand Awareness

One of the biggest challenges cannabis companies face is amping up awareness while differentiating themselves. Marketers increasingly recognize the need to ensure tactics are as targeted as possible. This will be an emphasis in 2024.

Identifying specific consumer personas is crucial. For example, a customer who enjoys cooking and skiing along with cannabis can be specifically targeted through avenues such as connected TV (CTV) and podcasts.

  1. Take Advantage of DOOH

Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of DOOH. Cannabis marketing experts are already on it.

DOOH stands for digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. It’s basically tech-heavy OOH (traditional outdoor advertising) that works with geofencing, tracking, retargeting, personalizing, attribution, and measurement. Unlike a billboard, DOOH enables strategically placed screens with visually stunning displays that make an impact where it counts.

As the number of dispensaries continues to increase in 2024, and more states legalize it, cannabis marketing firms will encourage businesses to take advantage of DOOH. It has all the benefits of OOH combined with digital advertising such as the ability to target, track, optimize, refine, and measure results. Plus, DOOH has far fewer restrictions. And that means more marketing opportunities with less red tape.

Are Your Cannabis Marketing Strategies For 2024 Up To Snuff?

If your current agency isn’t taking a serious look at cannabis marketing strategies for 2024, then it’s time to look elsewhere. With so much competition in the field, you can’t afford to be overlooked.

We’ve been in the business for nearly a decade so we know what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t. Don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Let’s get started.