Are folks lining up outside your dispensary or provisioning center each time a new cannabis product drops?

Probably not. And it’s unlikely they ever will. You’re not selling iPhones.

There ARE certain cannabis marketing tactics you could be using though to effectively advertise cannabis product drops and bring in more customers.

Try the Countdown Approach

Circling back to Apple for a moment, it’s easy to see how effective it’s been to build buzz around the release of each new phone.

So why not use your Instagram page to announce that a product will be released a few days out? Rather than posting about actual sales, use Instagram Reels or Instagram Light to talk about the launch.

You could also use Facebook and Twitter for the same purpose. Be sure you’re following the rules for each of these platforms though. Some have stricter rules about advertising a sale or promotion. The last thing you want is for your account to get shut down.

Text Messaging and Daily Emails

While you certainly want to build hype around a new release, you also need to practice some prudence. Some products, such as flower, can be fickle. Thus, building up the big event around through the countdown approach could end up backfiring on you if it ends up not being available.

And that’s going to mean you have angry customers and patients.

In this case, using text messaging and daily emails through a marketing platform will inform customers and patients of the upcoming product drop and create a sense of urgency to get it once the product actually does drop.

Furthermore, using a platform that gathers consumer data about buying preferences will also help you to target your messaging.

Focus on Research and Development

You may be developing a product that you want on your long-term roster. In this case, you don’t need to play the hype game. Instead, you’ll put your energy into R&D.

From there, you can rely on news releases and your already loyal customer base to build buzz around your new product.

Brand Collaboration

Consider all of the different cannabis businesses that complement yours and align with them. Doing so will allow you to tap into a different demographic that is likely to have interest in your product or service by proxy.

Once you’ve collaborated to create a unique product, you can create hype around its launch by making it a limited-release.

Go Old School

There’s still something to be said for the “ancient” ways of marketing.

Sure, the internet is amazing. But local media outlets such as newspapers and cannabis magazines are prime for advertising. So don’t ignore these dinosaurs. They can have some serious heft.

Advertise Cannabis Product Drops Effectively

If you’re looking for tried and true ways to effectively advertise cannabis product drops for your company, then contact us today.

We have years of specialized cannabis marketing expertise that utilizes everything from press releases and public relations to social media and blogging.

In such a highly saturated market, you need that sort of expertise and experience.